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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Harvest Blues

★•★CT for Irish Princess Designs★•★
 Both of these tags were made with a gorgeous kit called "Harvest Blues" by Irish Princess Designs. An Autumn kit with lots of natural elements in shades of blue and your typical Autumn colors. I am using a tube by Verymany and a tube by Alehandra Vanhek. Click the links for purchase.

Links for stores below:
Smiley Creations
Hania Designs
Mystical Scraps

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Autumn Treasures

~ °*°• Autumn Treasures •°*° ~
Tags by 
Michal's Designz

This kit is soo pretty!
It took me back in time to when I was in Art class!
Watercolors for me always looked too light or wet, til now!!
plenty of fall watercolors, fall leaves and

I used the artwork of Anna Liwanag and Charity Dauenhauer
you can find both these artists at CDO

Want to stay up-to-date with Irish Princess's kits and Tutorials?
Check the links below

Faded Summer

I used the beautiful kit by Irish Princess Designs called "Faded Summer".
This kit is all about the fading away of summer and fall season approaching.
It has very lovely elements. It contains 20 papers and 100 elements. I used
stunning artwork from Enys Guerrero available at CDO.

You can purchase this kit at the following stores:

If you would like to be a part of her FB fan group, click HERE.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

↠❈♕❈↞Autumn Treasures↠❈♕❈↞

↠❈♕❈↞Ct Irish Princess↠❈♕❈↞
Using her stunning kit "Autumn Treasures"
filled with beautiful elements with tones of
oranges, browns, purples & pinks!
Perfect for all those autumn tubes!
Snags Here:
Kit is available @ the following:


★•★CT for Irish Princess Designs★•★
 These two tags were made with an awesome kit called "Torn". Even though this kit isn't a "Halloween" kit you could use it for some of your Halloween tubes like I did. This is a great Gothic themed kit in blues and black. I am using the artwork from Keith Garvey and Alehandra Vanhek. Click the links for purchase.

Links for stores below:
Smiley Creations
Hania Designs
Mystical Scraps
Fan Group

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I used the amazing kit of Irish Princess Designs called "Torn"; made-to-match
Rebecca Sinz's artwork called the same that you can purchase HERE. What a
stunning kit with 20 papers and 110 elements to it. It has a color scheme of
black, white and blue. Such fab elements in it ~ perfect for that gothic tag!

You can purchase the kit at the following stores:

If you wish to follow Irish Princess Designs' FB Fan group, click HERE.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

CT Goddess Lena

~ °*°• Goddess Lena •°*° ~
kit by 
Irish Princess Designs

This kit was designed to match Arthur Crowe's beauty Goddess Lena
This kit is part of the big collab for Casper!

I used the artwork of Arthur Crow and Verymany

Kit you can find Here

Matching lady to this kit can be found here

Want to stay up-to-date with Irish Princess's kits and Tutorials?
Check the links below

Autumn Treasures

★•★CT for Irish Princess Designs★•★
 These two tags were made with a beautiful kit called "Autumn Treasures". This kit has some awesome watercolor type elements that are adorable. Lots of Autumn themed elements and beautiful papers. I am using artwork from Verymany and Misticheskaya. Click the links for purchase.

Links for stores below:
Smiley Creations
Hania Designs
Mystical Scraps


CT Blinkie

My Lovely CT

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